Make Your Impact with Us
a cultural organization at UNC Chapel Hill aiming to promote the educational, social and political awareness of Pakistan
Who We Are
Committed to our members and community
The goal of the organization is to host events that raise awareness of Pakistan’s cultural heritage and sociopolitical affairs. We aim to form a strong community of students to build intercultural ties with those who wish to learn about and celebrate Pakistani culture.
You can learn about our board here
Get Involved
Apply to be on our Board
Applications for board positions, in general, are available on a yearly basis, or upon there being any open position! Announcements for accepting board applications will be on our social media and other platforms if that is the case!
Attend our Events
All our events will be listed on this website as well as on our social media! SO make sure to like our facebook page, and add us on instagram @uncpaksoc!
Subscribe to our Newsletter and Remind!
We have created several channels of communication, one of them being our newsletter, which you can subscribe to by giving us your email whether it is through the form at the bottom of this page, filling out the returning or new member form on our Applications page, or emailing us! And you can be added to the Remind by clicking here!
Join Our GroupMe
Chat with other PakSoc members on the daily and stay connected with each other through this group chat we created, you can join by clicking here